1 |
Omfang |
1.1 | Disse generelle forretningsbetingelser (”Betingelserne”) gælder for enhver opgave som SustainX ApS, CVR-nr.: 41309466, (”Sustainx”) udfører for kunden, medmindre andet skriftligt er aftalt. | |
1.2 | Disse forretningsbetingelser, samarbejdsaftalen (”Samarbejdsaftalen”), det af kunden accepterede tilbud og øvrige skriftlige aftaler mellem parterne udgør det samlede aftalegrundlag for opgaven (“Aftalen”). Ved uoverensstemmelse mellem disse Betingelser og Samarbejdsaftalen, har Samarbejdsaftalen forrang. | |
1.3 | Sustainx kan til enhver tid og uden varsel foretage ændringer i disse Betingelser. Der gives ikke særskilt meddelelse herom. |
2 |
Opgaven |
2.1 | Sustainx har frihed til at planlægge og tilrettelægge arbejdets udførelse. | |
2.2 | Alle opgaver udføres i overensstemmelse med gældende lovgivning og relevante standarder. Sustainx vælger relevante standarder ud fra en faglig og professionel vurdering, og er ikke ansvarlig, såfremt andre fagpersoner finder, at andre standarder burde være anvendt eller såfremt disse anlægger en anden fortolkning af standarderne. Sustainx er berettiget til honorar for ekstraarbejde, der er en følge heraf, i overensstemmelse med Betingelsernes punkt 4.1. | |
2.3 | Kunden skal i fornødent omfang medvirke til løsning af opgaven, herunder ved at fremskaffe og stille det nødvendige personale, data, dokumenter, software, lokaler og andet relevant materiale til rådighed. Kunden skal sikre, at oplysningerne er korrekte. | |
2.4 | Ved opgavens afslutning skal Sustainx tilbagelevere alt materiale udleveret af kunden samt udlevere al dokumentation, vejledninger og andet materiale, udarbejdet af Sustainx i forbindelse med opgavens løsning. |
3 |
Immaterielle rettigheder |
3.1 | Kunden får ejendomsretten til de endelige resultater af opgaven. Sustainx bevarer retten til at anvende al generel viden, metoder og knowhow, der erhverves som led i opgavens løsning. | |
3.2 | Kunden er ansvarlig for, at det arbejde kunden har anmodet Sustainx om at udføre, ikke krænker tredjemands rettigheder. | |
4 |
Honorar |
4.1 | Medmindre andet skriftligt er aftalt, honoreres Sustainx for udført arbejde efter medgået tid baseret på Sustainx’ timepriser. | |
4.2 | Kunden betaler Sustainx’ transporttid og opgaverelaterede udlæg, herunder dokumenterede rejse-, transport-, og opholdsudgifter samt fortæring, udover honoraret. | |
4.3 | Alle honorarer og udlæg angives uden moms. Sustainx’ timepriser kan oplyses på kundens anmodning. | |
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Fakturerings- og betalingsbetingelser |
5.1 | Sustainx’ honorarer faktureres månedsvis bagud. | |
5.2 | Sustainx’ honorarer forfalder til betaling 14 dage efter fakturadatoen. | |
5.3 | Ved forsinket betaling svares rente med rentelovens til enhver tid gældende rentesats. | |
5.4 | Hvis kunden misligholder sin betalingsforpligtelse, forbeholder Sustainx sig retten til at standse arbejdet indtil betaling sker. | |
6 |
Tidsplan og tidsfristforlængelse |
6.1 | Sustainx kan kræve forlængelse af de aftalte tidsfrister, hvis opgaven ikke kan udføres rettidigt og dette skyldes forhold, som ikke kan henregnes til Sustainx, eller som Sustainx ikke med rimelighed kunne forudse. Sustainx er ikke ansvarlig for forsinkelser af opgaven, når Sustainx har krav på forlængelse af tidsfristerne. | |
7 |
Ophævelse |
7.1 | Parterne kan ophæve Aftalen ved væsentlig misligholdelse, som ikke er bragt til ophør tredive (30) arbejdsdage efter skriftlig meddelelse herom. | |
7.2 | Kundens manglende betaling, jf. Betingelsernes punkt 5 udgør altid væsentlig misligholdelse som berettiger Sustainx til at ophæve Aftalen uden yderligere varsel. | |
7.3 | Sustainx er berettiget til honorar for det arbejde, der er udført forud for ophævelsen i overensstemmelse med Betingelsernes punkt 4.1. |
8 |
Ansvar, ansvarsbegrænsninger og skadesløsholdelse |
8.1 | Sustainx’ ansvar over for kunden er begrænset til det fakturerede honorar for den del af opgaven, som har givet anledning til kravet. Det gælder tilsvarende, hvis ansvaret gøres gældende for flere enkeltstående forhold. | |
8.2 | Sustainx er ikke ansvarlig for følgeskader eller andre indirekte tab, herunder driftstab, tab af data, mistet fortjeneste, goodwill, omdømme mv. | |
8.3 | Kunden skal holde Sustainx skadesløs såfremt Sustainx pålægges ansvar over for tredjemand, der udspringer af arbejde for kunden, herunder hvis arbejdet udgør en krænkelse af tredjemands rettigheder, jf. Betingelsernes punkt 3.2. | |
8.4 | Sustainx er ikke erstatningsansvarlig for og hæfter ikke for andre eksterne rådgivere, leverandører eller samarbejdspartner, antaget af kunden efter Sustainx’ henvisning. Hvis Sustainx er ansvarlig sammen med andre eksterne rådgivere, leverandører eller samarbejdspartner, er Sustainx’ ansvar over for kunden begrænset til Sustainx’ forholdsmæssige andel af ansvaret. Det gælder uanset disses eventuelle ansvarsbegrænsninger eller manglende betalingsevne. Ansvarsbegrænsningerne i Betingelsernes punkt 8.1 – 8.3 gælder tilsvarende. | |
8.5 | Sustainx’ ansvar ophører under alle omstændigheder 12 måneder efter afslutningen af opgaven. | |
9 |
Force majeure |
9.1 | Ingen af parterne er ansvarlige for manglende opfyldelse af sine forpligtelser som følge af force majeure, herunder, men ikke begrænset til, strejker, lockout, terror og sundhedskriser. | |
10 |
Opsigelse |
10.1 | Aftalen kan opsiges skriftligt af begge parter med 1 måneds varsel til udgangen af en måned. | |
10.2 | Sustainx er berettiget til honorar for arbejde udført frem til opsigelsesperiodens udløb, jf. Betingelsernes punkt 4.1. Sustainx forbeholder sig retten til at udføre alt planlagt arbejde i opsigelsesperioden. | |
10.3 | Ved kundens opsigelse har Sustainx desuden krav på kompensation for alle aktiviteter aftalt mellem parterne, der som følge af opsigelsen aflyses med mindre end 8 ugers varsel. | |
11 |
Tavshedspligt |
11.1 | Parterne er gensidigt forpligtet til at behandle informationer om den anden part, som de får kendskab til under opgavens udførsel, og som ikke er alment kendte, fortroligt. Tavshedspligten gælder også efter opgavens afslutning. |
11.2 | Parterne skal sikre, at andre, som bistår med opgavens opfyldelse, pålægges en tilsvarende tavshedspligt. |
12 |
Markedsføring |
12.1 | Sustainx forbeholder sig retten til at anvende kundens navn, logo, kendetegn samt beskrivelser og resultater af opgaven til markedsføringsmæssige formål, medmindre andet skriftligt er aftalt. | |
13 |
Ændringer og tillæg |
13.1 | Ændringer og tilpasninger af opgavens indhold og omfang samt udvidelser af samarbejdet med Sustainx, herunder bestilling af nye ydelser og arbejdspakker, skal ske skriftligt i form af et tillæg eller på e-mail med begge parters skriftlige accept. Sustainx tager forbehold for eventuelt fremtidige prisstigninger. | |
14 |
Tvister, lovvalg og værneting |
14.1 | Eventuelle tvister, der udspringer af opgaven eller disse Betingelser, er undergivet dansk ret, dog undtaget de danske lovvalgsregler. Eventuelle tvister, som ikke kan løses i mindelighed, kan indbringes for de danske domstole med Sustainx’ hjemsted som aftalt værneting. |
15 |
Kontakt |
15.1 | Alle henvendelser vedrørende Sustainx’ opgaver, ydelser samt disse Betingelser, skal rettes til:
Adis Suhonjic |
Scope |
These general terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) apply to any assignment carried out by SustainX ApS, CVR-no.: 41309466 (“Sustainx”) for the customer, unless otherwise agreed in writing. |
These Terms and Conditions, the cooperation agreement (“Cooperation Agreement”), the customer’s accepted offer and other written agreements between the parties constitute the entire agreement governing the assignment (the “Agreement”). In the event of any discrepancy between these Terms and Conditions and the Cooperation Agreement, the Cooperation Agreement shall prevail. |
Sustainx may amend these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice to the customer. No separate notification will be provided regarding such changes. |
The assignment |
Sustianx shall have full discretion to plan and organize the execution of the work. |
All assignments shall be performed in compliance with applicable legislation and relevant standards. Sustainx shall determine the applicable standards based on its professional and expert judgement and shall not be held liable if other professionals consider alternative standards should have been applied or adopt a different interpretation of the standards. Sustainx shall be entitled to a fee for any additional work arising as a result hereof in accordance with section 4.1 of these Terms and Conditions. |
The customer shall provide the necessary cooperation for the performance of the assignment, including providing and making available the required personnel, data, documents, software, premises and other relevant material. The customer is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the information provided. |
Upon completion of the assignment, Sustainx shall return all materials provided by the customer and hand over all documentation, guidelines, and other materials prepared by Sustainx in connection with the performance of the assignment. |
Intellectual property rights |
The customer obtains ownership rights to the end results of the assignment. Sustainx retains the right to use all general knowledge, methods, and know-how acquired during the course of the assignment. |
The customer is responsible for ensuring that the work requested from Sustainx does not infringe upon the rights of any third party. |
Fee |
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Sustainx charges a fee for work performed based on time spent and Sustainx’s hourly rates. |
Travel time and other expenses associated with the work performed by Sustainx, including documented travel and accommodation expenses, transportation and meals, will be charged to the customer in addition to the fee payable by the customer. |
All fees and expenses are stated exclusive of VAT. Sustainx’s hourly rates can be provided upon the customer’s request. |
Invoicing and payment terms |
Sustainx’s fees will be invoiced monthly in arrears. |
Terms of payment are 14 days from the date of invoice. |
In case of late payment, interests will be charged in accordance with the provisions of the Danish Interest Act. |
If the customer fails to meet their payment obligations, Sustainx reserves the right to suspend the work until payment has been received. |
Timelines and extension of time limits |
Sustainx may require an extension of the agreed time limits if the assignment cannot be performed within the time limit due to circumstances that are not attributable to Sustainx or that Sustainx could not reasonably have foreseen. Sustainx shall not be held liable for any delays in the performance of the assignment when Sustainx is entitled to an extension of the time limits. |
Termination |
The parties may terminate the Agreement in the event of material breach, provided such breach is not cured within thirty (30) business days of written notice. |
The customer’s failure to meet the payment obligations, cf. section 5 of these Terms and Conditions shall always constitute a material breach that entitles Sustainx to terminate the Agreement without further notice. |
Sustainx shall be entitled to fees for work performed prior to the termination in accordance with section 4.1 of these Terms and Conditions. |
Liability, limitation of liability and indemnification |
Sustainx’s liability to the customer is limited to the invoiced fee for the part of the assignment which has given rise to the claim. This shall also apply to Sustainx’s liability in the event of multiple separate claims. |
Sustainx is not liable for any consequential loss or other indirect loss including operating loss, loss of data, lost profits, goodwill, reputation, etc. |
The customer shall indemnify Sustainx against any and all liability imposed on Sustainx by third parties arising from work performed for the customer, including instances where such work infringes upon third party rights, cf. section 3.2 of these Terms and Conditions. |
Sustainx shall assume no liability for any external advisors, suppliers or other partners engaged by the customer upon Sustainx’s recommendation. If Sustainx is liable with other external advisors, suppliers, or partners, Sustainx’s liability to the customer shall be limited to its proportionate share of the liability, regardless of any limitations of liability or insolvency of such third parties. The limitations of liability set forth in sections 8.1 to 8.3 of these Terms and Conditions shall apply in this respect. |
Sustainx’s liability shall in any event cease twelve (12) months after the completion of the assignment. |
Force majeure |
Neither of the parties will be liable for any failure to perform its obligations due to force majeure, including but not limited to strikes, lockouts, acts of terrorism, or health crises. |
Termination for convenience |
Either party may terminate the Agreement for convenience with one (1) month’s prior written notice to the end of a calendar month. |
Sustainx is entitled to fees for work performed up to the end of the notice period, cf. section 4.1 of these Terms and Conditions. Sustainx reserves the right to perform all planned work during the notice period. |
Upon termination for convenience by the customer, Sustainx shall also be entitled to compensation for all activities agreed between the parties that are cancelled with less than 8 weeks’ notice due to the termination. |
Confidentiality |
The parties are mutually obligated to treat as confidential any information about the other party that they become aware of during the performance of the assignment, and which is not publicly known. This duty of confidentiality shall also apply after the completion of the assignment. |
The parties shall ensure that any third parties assisting with the fulfilment of the assignment are subject to a corresponding duty of confidentiality. |
Marketing |
Sustainx reserves the right to use the customer’s name, logo, trademarks, as well as descriptions and results of the assignment for marketing purposes, unless otherwise agreed in writing. |
Changes and amendments |
Any changes or adjustments to the scope of the assignment, as well as extension of the collaboration with Sustainx, including the ordering of new services or work packages, must be made in writing, either in the form of an amendment or by email with both parties’ written acceptance. Sustainx reserves the right to increase the fees at its sole discretion. |
Disputes, governing law and jurisdiction |
Any disputes arising from the assignment or these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Danish law, excluding the Danish conflict of law rules. Any disputes that cannot be resolved amicably may be brought before the Danish courts with Sustainx’s registered seat as the place of jurisdiction. |
Contact |
All inquiries regarding Sustainx’s assignments, services, and these Terms and Conditions shall be directed to:
Adis Suhonjic |